Sunday, July 3, 2011

How To Search For (And Find) Old Statuses On Facebook

"All knowing ED, how do you search for an old status?"

This is such an excellent question. There are two ways to find your old status updates on Facebook - the easy way is if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, download the Momento app from iTunes. Momento allows you to import feeds from Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram,, Foursquare, Gowalla, Digg, YouTube, Vimeo, and even supports web RSS/Atom feeds! Once all your Facebook statuses are imported into Momento scroll to the top of the calendar and enter the text you want to search for into the search bar, and all statuses, EVER, will appear with the words you are searching with. The second way is

while logged into Facebook, go to "Account" - "Account Settings" - and under "Download Your Information" click on "learn more." Click on "Download" and then "Download" again, and this message will appear "You will receive an email when your archive is ready for download." Click "Okay." An email with a download URL will be sent to the email address you have on file with Facebook. Once you receive the email with the download link click on the link and download the ZIP file. BE VERY CAREFUL to only download this file to a secure computer that you own - it's your "identity disc" as your entire virtual existence on The Grid (Facebook) is contained in that single file. Unzip your Facebook archive and double click on "index.html" and from the navigation on the left hand side, click on "Wall." Use your browser's search feature to look for the words in your previous status that you want to find.

Thanks Trish!

View the original article here

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